Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Father's day is coming up! / Look back at mother's day

Father's day

With this coming father's day, it's of course, a good way for me to tell my DH how much he's been a great dad but also a great help for me! I haven't been easy to live with last winter with my burn out / baby blues, and as any household with young kids, it seems like chores keep piling up!! Looking back, we both grew stronger as a team and as a family. Our son is my DH's first experience ever with kids, and he's so dedicated! He learned so much and is so attentive to our little one needs! It's amazing to see, at only 13 months, how William is already looking up to his father! I still have no clue of what I will do for him, but I'll figure it out! :)

In the heat of the subject, let me present to you the father's day card I've created for my dad! My dad and I don't have much in common! In fact, growing up, we didn't understand each other lol!!! But he is the most generous person I know. He's not a man of many words, but has a strong and proud heart. He's a handy man and most of all a family man! Here's to my dad :)

Mother's day

Now has for my mother's day, I have many thanks to my DH for the lovely day I had :)
He took me to a great exterior spa with massage included! and we couldn't have had a nicer weather!

As for my mother, she is so supportive and helpful, always available and I can only wish that I'll get to her level one day! Our relationship has evolved so much in the past couple years, I've learned to open up to her and I now consider her as my true friend! She knows how to listen without judgement, and I do sometimes wish I'd still live with her!! just because it seems we don't see each other as much as I would like to! Here's to my mom :)



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