Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Father's day is coming up! / Look back at mother's day

Father's day

With this coming father's day, it's of course, a good way for me to tell my DH how much he's been a great dad but also a great help for me! I haven't been easy to live with last winter with my burn out / baby blues, and as any household with young kids, it seems like chores keep piling up!! Looking back, we both grew stronger as a team and as a family. Our son is my DH's first experience ever with kids, and he's so dedicated! He learned so much and is so attentive to our little one needs! It's amazing to see, at only 13 months, how William is already looking up to his father! I still have no clue of what I will do for him, but I'll figure it out! :)

In the heat of the subject, let me present to you the father's day card I've created for my dad! My dad and I don't have much in common! In fact, growing up, we didn't understand each other lol!!! But he is the most generous person I know. He's not a man of many words, but has a strong and proud heart. He's a handy man and most of all a family man! Here's to my dad :)

Mother's day

Now has for my mother's day, I have many thanks to my DH for the lovely day I had :)
He took me to a great exterior spa with massage included! and we couldn't have had a nicer weather!

As for my mother, she is so supportive and helpful, always available and I can only wish that I'll get to her level one day! Our relationship has evolved so much in the past couple years, I've learned to open up to her and I now consider her as my true friend! She knows how to listen without judgement, and I do sometimes wish I'd still live with her!! just because it seems we don't see each other as much as I would like to! Here's to my mom :)



Sunday, June 10, 2012

Clearing stack series ---> BG Sugared #3

Since I was going back to work after my maternity leave, and knew I would be to busy to post for a couple of weeks with the adjustment of our scheduals and everything else.... I then decided to create my posts in advance! but guess what!!!! I forgot to register the dates I wanted them to be posted!!! So here is the next post and card that was supposed to be shared with you a couple weeks ago!!!  The other cards from the series will follow as originaly planed. And oh! I didn't get to create anything since I got back to work either, this is just something else I will have to plan in my schedual at least once a week or else...... I don't know when I could just sit back!

Well, organizing your craft area is definitly good for your inspiration! With that, I've decided that in futur messages I will post on tips and tricks that worked for me, or not! Sometimes, simple solutions are just what we need!

But this post is dedicated to my: Clearing your stack series!!! As I mentionned on my previous blog post, I have too many 6x6 paper pad! I needed to do something about it! My solution, take one paper pad at a time and create as many cards that I can with it! Now this third card is my favorite with the second one I've created for this series! (Since as I'm posting this, this series is completed and I'm currently working on my second one!)


Friday, April 13, 2012

Scraproom status update/ Sugared from BG card series #1, 2

What kind of scrapbooker/cardmaker are you? Do you create standing or sitting, are you messy or neat, do you use your scraps or forget about them, are you a brand and collection expert or do you simply go by color, are you a compulsive buyer or do you buy only when needed, could you define your style, do you have a room dedicated to your crafting or a corner or use the dinning table? Oh, so many questions.... Finding yourself in all of that is important, setting your space as you need it to be will help with your creation process.

I'm currently working on my space, and I think i'm getting to the point that I can see it getting more functionnal for me. When I create, I try to reajust if needed, and keep what I use the most at reach. I've given a box full of goodies that I know I won't use to my nieces, and promised to myself that I will only be buying supplies that I know I will use and need, even when I find great deals! Great deals on supplies you won't use, is still to expensive, don't you think! And that is why defining your style is important so you spend your money wisely!

I've also decided that I don't want to be overwhelm by the amount of supplies I have! I've been collecting 6x6 paper pad! And I've own some of them for very a long time! No longer!!! I started a new creation process! I will take one paper pad at a time and create as many cards that I can with it!

I've started with Basic Grey, Sugared collection

Here are my first two cards!

Will be posting very soon the next one!


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!!

There we are, it is time to think about our resolutions and our wishes and expectations for this new starting year!! Mine, well, it has to be what probably over 80% of the population who makes resolution want... have a healthier lifestyle! Yes, I want to lose weight by exercising and by drinking more water, but I also want to live in a more organized and efficient way! I want to plan my meals and recipies so when five o'clock hits, not only will I know what we will be eating, but it will already be cooking! I want to plan my weekly tasks so I never run out of clean clothes or I won't be stressed to clean the house if someones is coming at last minute!! I think it'll be a good year, but a busy year, so I need to think ahead and plan! I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how I wanted things done and what would motivate me to do so yesterday and this morning..... 

Wish you the best for 2012, and may your year be full of daily happiness and fulfilment!
